Description: Introduction to computing; matrix arithmetic, programming constructs, algorithms and graphical visualization using MATLAB; problem solving applications in engineering analysis and design.
Prerequisites: ENGI 1100, MATH 2413 and CHEM 1311 or PHYS 2325
Credit Hours: 3
Course Goals
- to instill students with a problem solving mindset,
- to provide students with a process to solve a variety of engineering problems, and
- to introduce students to programming in MATLAB as a tool to solve engineering problem
Course Topics
- Programming Skills with applications to engineering problems
- Data types: scalars, vectors, matrices, cell arrays, strings, logical arrays, structured variables
- Basic Programming, user inputs, outputs, importing and exporting of various data types (.csv, .txt, .xls, and image file types)
- Built-in functions and User-defined functions
- Conditional structures
- Looping structures (while and for)
- Graphical representation and applications (plotting, regression, imaging)
- Introductory engineering topics: data analysis, numerical analysis, mechanics, resistors, image processing (biomedical), material science